Act out your favourite book with you toys as the different characters
Learn to recite a poem and say it aloud to an audience
Write instructions/recipe cards
Keep a diary
Write a letter/email to a family member
Use your spelling book to revise the words that you have already learnt – make silly sentences, write them in bubble writing, spell them backwards, use individual words to make an acrostic poem
Maths Ideas
Practical weighing of ingredients to make a recipe
Continue with times tables and division facts – hit the button, can you beat your score
Telling the time – analogue, digital, am/pm, what will the time be in half an hour? 1 hour?
Money – totalling amounts, change, make a shop, £ and p
2D/3D shape hunt
Collect stones and sticks to make a natural clock
Plant some seeds and record them growing day by day – what can you see? How do you look after them?
Freeze water to create ice cubes – how long do they take to freeze? Put cubes in different places around the house – which one melts the quickest? Why?
Create a marble run to learn about physics. Make predictions about what will happen each time you make a change to the track.
Build a bridge with two plastic cups and construction paper and test your hypothesis of how many pennies it can hold before the bridge collapses.
2D/3D shape hunt
Collect stones and sticks to make a natural clock
Learn to tie up shoe laces
Learn to put on your tie properly (boys)
Learn your address/an important family members phone number
Help an adult to make a meal
Play ‘eye spy’
Have a go at making glittery playdough
Do a jigsaw puzzle
Look in an atlas and see if you can find the different countries that we have visited at school